Welcome to Thursday, one day closer to Friday and one of my very favourite days of the week. Let's get around the table and find out what everyone is grateful for today! I received some really great ones last week. I know we try to be very light hearted around here (humor keeps my raft above the water line) but there have been some very serious gratitudes as well. Gratitudes centered on health and hardships, friendships and community spirit. I love that we can be grateful for snooze-bars, blood transfusion and grey hair all at the same time.
There will be a lot of Gratitude sharing this weekend - it is Thanksgiving...an entire holiday in honour of gratitude...How pumped an I?...Quick name my favourite holiday! Thanksgiving is my Gratitude today, that for a few days everyone will be pausing to reflect on the things they have to be grateful for.
Your turn @ the table....What are you Grateful for today? send me a message, post a comment, or tweet me your gratitude then ask someone else to do the same...in honour of Thanksgiving lets put a leaf in the table!