Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday's Example of Domestic Bliss

We've graduated our darling Cooper out of his safety crate while we are absent during the day. The very first day he did AWESOME! I think he understood that freedom is best repaid with good behaviour. Bless his heart he earned another day.

He's been doing really well or rather we have been doing really well at keeping things out of doggy danger. For 3 weeks he's been lounging on the couch without reprimand, watching cartoons and terrorizing the cat without consequences.

We got comfortable and we started to slip in our diligence. I can't list everything that's gone the way of the canine crusher but I can say that I now own shares in a slipper company from China among others.

This week we doubled our efforts to keep the house doggy proofed and have lost only this...

He started with Appetizers yesterday, so today I hid all the Entree books. Gratitude that he didn't start with dessert, if he's like the rest of the house there would have been no stopping him!

Find a reason to smile today, Share your smile, your hope and GRATITUDE
