Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Rest is as Good as a Change

What a glorious morning! For some unknown (but much appreciated) reason I found myself home this morning. No work, no errands, no appointments, no commitments. The best recollection of the last such event was E-man's H1N1 stint in the fall of '09, I had alot of time on my hands that week.

I was so excited I could hardly sleep last night. No worries, a morning off presents the lovely option of returning to bed for a nap. There is also the option of housework, which is perpetual and undeserving of my precious few hours of downtime. I did fold what laundry was cluttering my bedroom, I walked E-man and his infamous bridge to school. I made coffee, loaded the dishwasher and yakked with my father in-law. I answered the phone 2 or 3 times (answering machines deserve a holiday too) imagine my callers surprise to reach an actual person!

I also dedicated some time to my mental health. A change is as good as a rest they say...and well, since I was resting anyway I figured some change couldn't hurt either.

So I gave The Space Between Raindrops a makeover. What do you think? Go ahead be as honest as you like, I've had the morning off after all and I'm in pretty good humor (this may be your only shot.)

It goes without saying that today my gratitude lies with the scheduler at work, the coffee pot at home and the people who have kept my family occupied while I indulge my mental goodness.

Your Turn. What are you grateful for today?

Spend some moment everyday in reflection of gratitude and happiness. Even if the time found is standing in line for coffee...use is wisely.


Did this post brighten your day? make you smile? If so I'd be ever so grateful if you shared it on Facebook or Twitter. Someone else might be in need of a smile - Thanks!