Friday, May 13, 2011

While Blogger Was Busted....

Blogger is back. My most recent post however is not (insert four letter literary crayons)

While the folks at Blogger were troubleshooting and creating solutions here is what I created...

A birthday cake for a Redwings Fan.
After being eliminated last night I thought about calling
and asking if they wanted something else.

Instead I offered my condolences

A Mickey Mouse Club birthday cake
for a 1st birthday.

What did you do while your Blogging hands were tied???

Spend some moment everyday in reflection of gratitude and happiness. Even if the time found is standing in line for coffee...use is wisely.


Did this post brighten your day? make you smile? If so I'd be ever so grateful if you shared it on Facebook or Twitter. Someone else might be in need of a smile - Thanks!