Monday, January 31, 2011

Don't Sell Me a Tricycle and Tell Me it's a 10 Speed

Ok so not so long ago Michael & E-man built a rink in our backyard. The rink has been the source of many a gratitude over the last 2 months. KJ and E-man are honing their skills on the blades and with the puck.

Yesterday in preparation for a trip to skate on the worlds largest ice rink (the Rideau Canal in Ottawa) Michael convinced me to give it a go and get my skate legs back under me. I used to figure skate as a child. I long ago traded my figure skates for a pair of children's skates and never replaced them.

My only option then to test my memory of basic skating skills was a pair of hockey skates. KJ loves her hockey skates, how hard can they be?

Hockey Skates are NOT figure skates!

Today I am grateful that the laughter has subsided and that we have muscle relaxants and Advil on hand. I am grateful that Michael is taking me for a new pair of figure skates. I will NOT fall like that again...should I start walking normally again that is.