100 posts. That's huge! Okay, maybe not huge to somebody who has say 200 or 300 or 1000 posts but if you know me, if you read my very first post you understand just how exciting 100 is.
Michael will say "that's thousands of words that have been sent out into the world and not into my ear" Oh, he won't actually say it out loud, but gratitude is gratitude sometimes you can just sense that a person is so overwhelmed with gratitude that the words are lost on them.
To celebrate my success with my personal experiment in habit forming I've gone back and re-read some of my favourite (and not so favourite) posts since the beginning.
Some of my favourites are those quick cute kid inspired posts like:
Sibling Rivalry Expressed Over Lunch
Grateful Humour
Out of the Mouths of Babes
Of course bad days get us all and there have been not so cute posts too:
The Glass Half Empty
Things You Don't Hear With a Banana in Your Ear
FML, Are You Serious?
I have to admit that as I grow more comfortable with putting myself on the page so to speak I like what's evolving. Some of my personal favorites:
Some Things Never Change
Celebrating I.I.Y.D.
The Journey Begins with a Single Toothbrush
Without a doubt there have been hits and misses. There are many posts I would never link back to for you because well...they seem really lame, although I would also never get rid of them, they are helping me grow The Space Between Raindrops.
Some of my favourite features of the Space are the Daily Ggratitudes. Granted, some don't change every single day. Busy teenagers don't always grace us with their presence at dinner. If you've been poking around the Space you know that I have a deep love of words and quotes so I love 'Today's Quote." (Today's quotes move onto the "Quotes" page once they become yesterday's quote.) You also know that I realize that gratitude is not always easy to identify. That's the reasoning behind "A Little Gratitude." (Little Gratitude's move to the "Little Gratitudes" page, an evolving list of little things.)
Probably my favourite addition to the Space is my smallish band of followers and the feedback, gratitude and comments you share. I love to think that our family experiment with "a Rule of Gratitude" is helping others to keep focused on the Space Between Raindrops. Goodness knows we need all the help we can get some days and I am always so grateful for your input...your words always amazingly come at the very best moments!
As I work on the next 100 posts, I do it with extreme gratitude for the time to write, my family that provides the material and the friends who read!
Spend some moment everyday in reflection of gratitude and happiness. Even if the time found is standing in line for coffee...use is wisely.
Did this post brighten your day? make you smile? If so I'd be ever so grateful if you shared it on Facebook or Twitter. Someone else might be in need of a smile - Thanks!