So with a steady upward trend in my forcast I have a lot to be grateful for...
- All 6 kids ate fish for dinner last night and LOVED IT!
- The sun is shinning beautifully today!
- I've consumed just the right amount of coffee and every ounce was hot at the time of enjoyment!
- I get to work with my transplanted friend tomorrow, oh how we miss you Shelley!
- The waining snowbank is wained right out of sight!
- Lula's making moves to secure her future in psychology.
- Eman's increasing his "Cool Big Kid" factor by 1 million!
- KJ doing the "I get my phone back" dance!
- Michael's making dinner reservations for our Anniversary (hint, hint, HINT...not too late to call.)
Spend some moment everyday in reflection of gratitude and happiness. Even if the time found is standing in line for coffee...use is wisely.
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